Around the Curve
Workbench Philosopher
Around the Curve
This damn curve. It’s a pain every time I stitch it. There are little stitch holes on both pieces of leather and they have to line up perfectly for me to stitch them in any kind of straight line. And as we all know from Mario Kart, things that travel along the inside of a curve cover less distance than things on the outside.
So here I’m working on this bag, two weeks of work, and I’m just starting in on the big final push. Then along comes this curve and the holes stop matching up.
Fortunately I’ve done this enough that I know to plan on being frustrated during this part. I know they will line back up once I’ve made my way around the curve.
That’s one of those little philosophies you find in craft work. There are going to be curves. They are going to be hard and frustrating. But if you plan to expect them, and remind yourself that they aren’t permanent, you’ll get through to the straight side again. Just because things are hard doesn’t mean they are bad.