Couranteer Finished and Favortie Ice Cream Flavors.
And Favorite Ice Cream Flavors.
Couranteer Finished
The finished Couranteer from my last post. This will be the last one I do for a while. As I’m expanding into new mediums and opportunities the drag on my resources these become is too much. It’s one thing when I’m doing nothing but bags. It’s another when I’ve got a lot of balls in the air and have to drop everything to work on a bag. So for now at least they are on hold.
I try not to get too in the weeds about how I run my business. Sometimes there is an idea that I’m wrapping my head around that I think is worth sharing. This time it’s about ice cream.
I remember hearing this story about when Jenni’s Ice Cream was just getting started. Her initial plan was to only offer a few flavors but make them innovative and change them every week. Each week would be a whole new menu of crazy ideas.
She quickly ran into a problem. She could get people in the door but she was having trouble keeping them coming back. She eventually realized it was because of the constantly changing menu.
People need to have their favorites and they want to know they can reliably get that favorite from you. By constantly changing her menu she was keeping people from creating a connection with what she was offering.
Why am I thinking about this? Because that’s what I’ve been doing with my work since I started. Every collection is a new idea. I usually do one of each design.
I’m starting to realize that I’ve made all of these things that people love, had exactly one chance to buy, and then never again. So I’m thinking about how to fix this.
One idea is that I could revisit some of my favorite collections over the years. The other is that I could make more than one of each design.
For now I’m starting small. One of my favorites from the Millstream collection from a few years ago. I made a handful of them in the same pattern. A little butter pecan to balance out the new flavors.