Exploring New Material: Goatskin
Natural Goatskin
Texture for Days
I’ve really only worked with one type of leather since I started this business. Undyed (called crust leather), vegetable-tanned, steer hide from Wickett & Craig tannery in Pennsylvania.
It dyes beautifully and the range of colors I’ve been able to get out of it has kept me busy for years. But when I heard about the leather coming out of Pergamena in NY I had to check it out.
Pergamena is a small, family run tannery in the Hudson Valley. The thing that caught my attention is their Leather from Farms program. Working with local farms and abattoirs they are able to source many of their hides from within the region. Traceable, ethically-sourced leather is virtually nonexistent in this industry and I’m very excited to see where they are taking this.
I contacted them about ordering some of their goatskins (something I can’t get from my other tannery) that had not yet gone through the dyeing process. They were able to sort some out for me and I just got my first shipment in. The texture on this goatskin is unbelievable. Kind of like a really smooth, subtle pebbling.
I can’t wait to see how this dyes up. I hope to check back in soon with some of my early tests with this leather,.