Aging Gracefully
Ah. Vegetable tanned leather. Among all the wonderful things it does (the smell, that creaky noise it makes when it’s new) the way it ages is it’s best property.
A good patina is built with years. No two things will age the same. The way you carry it. How you choose to take care of it. The stress of the day and the weight of time. All imprinted like a signature. Unique to you. A collaboration between you and time.
There is no trick to developing a good patina. Clean and condition every six months. Use it as much as you can. Learn to appreciate the dings and stains that happen. Someday those will be your favorite parts.
Mostly it is a question of stopping to pay attention and accepting the little imperfections that color in our days.
Some day someone will see this thing you’ve made and know that there is a story there. Just as you were that person once too.
My two toned Belhoste in indigo and chestnut. The title picture is at 6 years of age. This picture is at 3 years.